Attempting and successfully completing all the questions in a Life in the UK mock test offered by a reliable source could be one of the best indicators that you are ready to tackle the UK Citizenship test. However, to reach this point, you have to study the handbook and take as many mock tests as possible.
It is not necessary that you have to attempt a whole test (formatted similar to the actual test) every time you study or practice. Many online providers of the study materials offer you the option of attempting few questions at a time or chapter wise Life in the UK mock test. Attempting such tests would be less taxing and more useful for your preparation.
It is important to take the Life in the UK mock test with providers who keep their database of questions extensive and up to date. Practicing with as many Life in the UK mock tests as possible will ensure that you will successfully pass the test in less than 45 minutes in one attempt.
When this particular act was brought in, the Immigration Direction 2008 (Places
of Detention) Act was revoked